Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Updates, Updates, and More Updates

My last entry (and boy, I'm getting pretty regular about blogging-will wonders never cease) was about the coming Matter of Choice. While I'm not going to give you much information just yet, I will announce its release date will be in January.

I can also tell you that if you shoot over to my Facebook page,

you'll find a sneak peak into the story. It's a little rough still, as I'm still revising and it then needs to go through the editing process, but it's there!

My Pinterest board is growing very slowly. You'll find out some little things about me, and see a sneak peek at what Triston looks like.

The coming weeks will be very busy, and you'll find updates here, as well as on Facebook and Twitter:

Pinterest will continue to grow, and my presence will trickle down to other spots on the web as well. Keep an eye out, because I won't be posting the same thing on every source. Kind of a treasure hunt on all things regarding Matter of Choice. LOL!

I'll be back soon, and until then, enjoy! :)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Changes and updates

One thing I'm learning about writing is that flexibility is key. At least before things really get set in stone.

I've had one of those moments today. I thought I knew, for sure, when Matter of Choice would be released, but after a few conversations and a lot of studying of the ol' calender, I have now moved that date by a few weeks. Of course, mostly it's just me that this decision has affected, since I haven't made a release date public yet, and truthfully all in good ways. It'll give me more time to make sure the novel is right. It'll give more time for editing, and revising and all those things that go along with writing a novel. And it'll give the wonderful team supporting me more time as well.

I'm not giving you the dates yet, you'll have to keep watching for that. But within the next week, I'll be ready to give you another sneak peak. :)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Counting Down, and Scared Half to Death

So here it is, the first announcement of many:

Matter of Choice will be coming soon ... very, very soon. I'm not ready to announce a date just yet, though I have one in mind. But my writer's doubt has me scared I won't reach the goal, and I don't want to disappoint anyone. All I can tell you now is that you will be able to add it to your Christmas shopping list ;)

That said, you're going to be finding me all over the web in the coming weeks: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, here, blog hops ... the list goes on. It's going to be crazy busy, and crazy scary.

As a writer, I have many doubts and fears. At the top of the list is whether you'll love Shannon and Triston as much as I do. I'm told this comes with the territory. I hope so.

But for now, I can give you a small-in fact, the smallest-glimpse, and the first of many looks at Matter of Choice. They will get larger, and I'll be introducing you to both of them very soon. For today, here's just a few little words to tease you about the story line:

Some promises are hard to keep.

Yep, that's it for now.

But I'll be back soon!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Another title change, and possible cover art

Shadows has taken a backseat in the last couple of months as I wait for it's number to be called from the slush pile. In the meantime, I've completed the rough draft of what was Whispers at the Grande. It needs some work, but the bones look good.

It as gone through another change: the title ... again. This one has been hard to title. I just haven't liked anything I've come up with. But now I think I have a winner:

Matter of Choice

I'm also waiting on some information about the book cover. I found one I really love. It's absolutely beautiful artwork, and fits the novel perfectly. Maybe I'll have a big reveal sometime soon ;)

I'll also be giving you some sneak peaks at Matter of Choice soon.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Adventures in Editing (and other things)

On case you didn't already know, TJ Loveless and I began Cliffhanger Editing a couple of months back. When we began the company, we also started a Facebook page for tips and information. It has been a crazy busy experience, and one that I've had a ball with. I've been able to meet so many wonderful people, and giving out tips on how to edit their material and prepare it for publication has been rewarding beyond words. To take the experience that I've gained as an editor, and to share the trials by fire I've gone through as I venture through trying to become published, and share it all with other aspiring authors, is not anything I'd ever thought I'd find myself doing, but am so incredibly thrilled that I am. It's a jungle out there in this world of writing, but maybe us writers can all make it a little less so by banding together and finding the way to the light!

In the meantime, Shannon has begun monopolizing my time with Whispers at the Grande, my contemporary romance. I'm still completely committed to seeing the second two novels in the Shadows trilogy completed and published (and the first one is still out there in the trenches), but finding the time to sit and create something new for a moment has been wonderful.

Oh! And I've seen some great movies. The Call with Halle Berry is unbelievably good. If you haven't seen it, like a good thriller, and want to sit on the edge of your seat for a couple of hours,run, don't walk, to your nearest Redbox and SEE this movie. WARNING: If you have kids, you may want to hold them just a little closer after seeing it. I know I did. Another good one was Dead Man Down. Lots of action, a little bit of a strange love story, with some revenge thrown in. Kind of a guy flick, but I still really enjoyed it.

That's it for me for now. Back to writing, back to editing, and hey, catch me on FB or Twitter. I'm nearly always around :)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I can't get a grip on the fact that it's almost August already.

Oh wait, it IS August, isn't it? Good gravy gracious, where has this year gone?

So much continues to happen, both personally and professionally. I won't get into the personal stuff. It's boring anyway, but the professional, well, that's something to share.

Shadows still cools its heels in the slush pile of a really awesome agent, and hoping to hear back sometime soon. Thank goodness for so many other projects that keep me busy so I don't spend too much time thinking about it. Wait, was that the phone? Oh, no, just my imagination!

Working in Whispers at the Grande with Shannon, Triston and Gary are doing their thing, and making me work for their story. They've been so angry and jealous of all the attention Leonardo and Rachel have had that now they are being stubborn and difficult. But that's ok, because Shannon's love is the prize and both Triston and Gary have stakes in the playing field, so they won't be able to hold out for long before they stop pouting and allow me to get their story out.

Speaking of which, it is in consideration to self-publish Whispers, so you may see it even before you see Shadows. All depends on how things play out. But I've been building a FB author page and working on my website. It's all fun stuff!

I've also been very busy with my editing day job. With three full novels, two short story compilations and one short story in the past two months, most of my time has been spent helping other authors making their work shine and shimmer. No complaints though, because, man, it is FUN. So many great projects out there, and I get to see them first. Kind of a reader's dream come true, you know?

Oh, and that's right. I've been promising some votes on my favorite movies of this summer. Okay, here goes:
Safe Haven
Beautiful Creatures
The Host
and just because it's my favorite movie of all time: Pride and Prejudice.

I know I've seen more than that, but goodness, right now I can't think of them. I'll have to get back to you.

And I'm also looking at doing a couple of author spotlights. I'll get back to you on that too :)

'Til next time, enjoy your summer :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

My success rate is dropping

After months of Internet impairment, I am happy to say I am connected to the world again. Good stuff. I felt so lost and alone without Twitter, FB, and all the other modern day conveniences that didn't exist until, well, they weren't around when I was a child, let's just say that.

And I grew up just fine, healthy and happy to play outside.

So what in the world happened that two months of phone based internet and frequent stops to McDonald's (and not necessarily for food, although I like burgers as much as anyone else) left me feeling like an appendage was missing? Sigh. I think I need a life.

But now that I'm breathing again, I thought I better improve my success ratio and write a quick blog before I get back in the editing trenches.

Cliffhanger Editing is alive and thriving, and morphing into a bigger beast that isn't quite ready to be left out of its cage.

And Rachel and the gang are seeing their second book improve and grow as the third and final chapter of the Bitterroot Mountains starts its long journey into light.

Shannon and her complicated love life hasn't received their just attention, but that's coming too. She's knocking at the door, waiting to be left in. Everyone just has to wait their turn.

And my favorite recent movie pick? Well, we'll get into that next time.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

So many changes

Okay. I admit. It's been forever since I've written anything for this blog. I am totally, 100% guilty.

But there's been a lot of changes too.

My personal life has been absolutely insane for the last 10 months, and that takes a lot of the blame.

But my writing life has been really busy too. Rachel, Leonardo, and the gang are in their first stage of revision for the second book. The first draft came up several thousand words short, and so there's been a lot of detail that has been needing attention.

Another book, Whispers at the Grande, a romance, has been working its way from my mind to my fingertips. It's still a work in progress, but its coming along. I suspect you'll be hearing a lot about Shannon very soon.

Also, querying has been going better. And that's to say, someone is taking a good ol' looksey at Shadows. (Shriek, eek, ahh, and all the other kind of screams you can imagine). There are no guarantees, but Rachel and Leonardo are itching to begin talking to you all very, very soon. :)

And one other thing. My friend and writing partner in crime, T.J. Loveless, and I have began an editing company. That's right. I'm a regular entrepreneur now. LOL! We'll be talking to you all about our adventures in querying and helping you with editing your manuscript so you can get into the trenches yourself. :) Check us out a

So that's the update for now. I promise, I will try to pick this blogging thing up and do it right this go around. We can talk books, editing, and one of my other favorite pastimes - movies! I mean, hey, why not, right??