Sunday, July 7, 2013

My success rate is dropping

After months of Internet impairment, I am happy to say I am connected to the world again. Good stuff. I felt so lost and alone without Twitter, FB, and all the other modern day conveniences that didn't exist until, well, they weren't around when I was a child, let's just say that.

And I grew up just fine, healthy and happy to play outside.

So what in the world happened that two months of phone based internet and frequent stops to McDonald's (and not necessarily for food, although I like burgers as much as anyone else) left me feeling like an appendage was missing? Sigh. I think I need a life.

But now that I'm breathing again, I thought I better improve my success ratio and write a quick blog before I get back in the editing trenches.

Cliffhanger Editing is alive and thriving, and morphing into a bigger beast that isn't quite ready to be left out of its cage.

And Rachel and the gang are seeing their second book improve and grow as the third and final chapter of the Bitterroot Mountains starts its long journey into light.

Shannon and her complicated love life hasn't received their just attention, but that's coming too. She's knocking at the door, waiting to be left in. Everyone just has to wait their turn.

And my favorite recent movie pick? Well, we'll get into that next time.

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